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Support/ SmartHub

Customers Can:

  • Pay their bill immediately with secure online payments
  • View monthly billing information
  • Manage account information directly and track payment history from mobile devices or the web
  • Report service issues
  • Contact our office

Smarthub Instructions

How to Register With SmartHub

Click HERE to login with your existing email address and password.

New to SmartHub? Follow the instructions below:

  1. Scroll to the View/Pay Your Bill menu at the top of the Quadro homepage and choose the Login to Pay Your Bill option.
  2. On the log in screen, click the link Sign up to access our Self Service site.
  3. You will need to enter the following information:
    • Your Quadro account number (found on the top right corner of your bill, beginning with “103”)
    • Your Last Name or Business Name as stated on your bill
    • An active email address
  4. Follow the prompts to assign two security questions to help reset your password, if ever needed.
  5. You will then receive an email with your temporary password to login to SmartHub. Following your initial login you will be required to establish a secure password containing a combination of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters and symbols.
  6. On the next screen input a security word that will display as an extra visual security check when making payments online.
  7. You are now registered for SmartHub!

View your account, make payments, & more on the go with the SmartHub App

Pay Your Bill Without Registering With SmartHub

Make a quick payment on your account by using the SmartHub “Pay Now” feature.

Click HERE to pay your bill online with no registration required.

1. You will need to enter the following information:

  • Your Quadro account number (found on the top right corner of your bill, beginning with “103”)
  • Your Last Name or Business Name as stated on your bill

2. Follow the prompts to access your account for payment.